

Mouf Hurty
I remember in health class, looking at pictures of people with mouth cancer, or lung cancer. I would say…there is no way I am ever going to smoke a cigarette, or have a dip.
Then I tried dip when I was 16…I got a buzz that was better than any drink or drug I ever did. So, I was hooked. From that first dip, I was hooked on the feeling that nicotine brought. Well, now I have 44 days without any nicotine whatsoever. I belong to www.quitnet.com, which sends me daily stats of how my health is improving and how much money I am saving by staying off the bad shit.
BUT, I now have a white lesion in my mouth that has been hurting me for a week. I am headed in for a biopsy of it this morning. Wish me luck readers, and do not, under any circumstances, ever pick up a cigarette or any other form of tobacco. EVER.
Love you guys…say a little prayer for the hat wearer.

BTW….I am meeting Gov. Patrick on Thursday night…

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