
Humpy Day

The day that humped the camel back

Happy hump day readers.
I hope we all have some fun today, because mr. weekend is right around the corner.
I am grateful to be alive today. And believe you me, I’m feeling ok.
So did anyone see Mrs. Bush on Oprah? I did not, but I know someone who did. I guess the woman got up and told the country how she killed someone while driving drunk. I really respect that honest, but its very interesting that she is so willing to be honest, AFTER THE FACT. Did we have this type of statement before her chimpanzee husband was elected, brought the economy from the biggest period of economic expansion in its history, to a screeching halt, and somehow managed to offend every other country in the world?
In a quick comparison, Obama detailed his experiences in a well-worded, honest memoirs (2 memoirs) before being elected. Bush Dubya actually had a DUI on his record, from an era when DUI’s were harder to get than a sunburn in an underground tunnel. I know I need to just back away from this one, but I feel like the American public deserves an apology, not a smiling laura bush talking about how she loves reggae music (yeah, bob marley is my fav!!!!)
She also mentioned that George just one day woke up and said….I don’t want to drink anymore. He apparently looked at his bill from the night before and said it was too much. Bullllllllllsnit. And he “wasn’t the kind of guy who needed a program to quit” Ok Laura, slow your role.
And shoe throwers get locked up? What about Bushie and Cheney? Little help here?
Anyway, I hope we all have a vonderbal day. I want to go bowling, but I can’t. Happy go tacky…..
A short ditty:
Boston is fun
Boston is ugly
Boston in the sun
Boston gets juggly
Don’t go to boston
If you don’t like the red sox
Don’t go to boston
If you eat salmon an lox
Say hi to someone
You might get your face punched
Say bye to someone
And get your bumper crunched
Boston is smelly
Boston is sweet
Boston is fun
When the birds go tweet
I don’t like boston
In winter or summer
But being in boston
Aint always a bummer

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