
Bowling terminology, and other Fishbowlian observations

So, we haven't been bowling as a group in a while, but I have been meaning to add something....We have a patented turkey dance, where I gobble like a crazy turkey whenever someone bowls one. I would like to propose that all strike series should be called bird names. Thus..

two strikes....CHICKEN

three strikes....Turkey

4 Strikes.....EMU

5 Strikes......Pterydactyl Bird

6 Strikes.......Big BIRD

7 strikes.....unrealistic

8 strikes.....Blue Footed Booby

9 Strikes....PW HATSBIRD


So, we have other crazy shit to report......

IN an ant like moment, the other day, an older engineer sent out an email to the entire group of employees, including COO and head of HR which read...and I QUOTE:

subj: Brace yourself, Shelia....

Body: What did ivy league schools and/or living in boston do to you *@&#^$@ people? If you borrowed a tool from my tool kit, put it back. If you use my area for a project, clean up after yourself. I may be a MAATHE, but I am NOT your MOTHER....

Thanks guys...more tomorrow.


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