
Tim Win in Sight

Tim Murray Campaign for Gov.

Don’t Break up the fight let, Let ‘em rumble…..

So I must be sick in my hathead, but I am back on the campaign trail….part time this time around.
I called 54 people last night out of the Milford Democratic Campaign office. Here are the numbers:
3 people will vote for Mr. Patrick and Mr. Murray.
7 people will vote for Congressman Neal, the US Congress Rep for that district.
18 people have a serious problem with DP and TM, because they quote: “HAVENT DONE ANYTHING FOR US”
3 people had no idea who Deval Patrick was.
1 guy told me all about how he thinks that the government is set up to give blacks and jews all of our tax money.

Ok, that’s fine…..WTF??!?!?!

Anyway, I make calls and help teach volunteers how to do it. I explain to the volunteers how we are just trying to call to reach out and talk to voters. The main goal is to figure out whether or not they are voting, who they might vote for, and if they need a ride to the polls on 11-2.
Two of my volunteers spent 1 hour talking to the person next to them, then when one of them was on the phone they told the person that Tim Murray was going to be the Governor in 2 years. I almost smacked the woman. God help us……

Hope all is well in the hatland. I am looking forward to the weekend. Hope Bean Spoony is good. I hope Mr Greglegs is enjoying his new Legwork. And Slimerman, I got nothing but love for you……Til next time…….

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