
Contract for Freemerica

Late September 2010

Newt the Gingrich is up to it again. The "contract for America" it is called.

Newt has claimed that he and other conservatives have created a document which entails the American spirit, the freedom that the original founders of our nation intended. The document makes it clear what America stands for. It also lays out a plan for getting the country out of debt. There is even an extensive social agenda in the document, which talks about keeping our children safe, and keeping the terrorists out.

Now wait a minute folks. Stop. Newt had his chance. He was persona non grata for a long time in government. What does he think has changed?

First, the financial plan to get us out of debt is weak, unclear, and includes tax cuts which will hinder our ability to pay off debt.

I will admit that our children need to be safe, but I don't know a single democrat, socialist, or left-winger who is in favor of child danger.

Lastly, who the F*&# does he think he is? Who the hell gave him the microphone? Why do we even allow him to talk anymore?

The founders of this country were racist, gentrified, and bigoted. Every president we have had, with the exception of FDR, JFK, Carter, and now BHR have been Waspy, arrogant, angry, and inept.

We have the chance to change the old way. We have an opportunity to make our country free, for the first time. Now is the time to create a union in which every child has an equal opportunity to succeed. Finally, there is a real chance to fix this mess.

Now don't get me wrong, I am as white as the next guy (probably whiter.) But I am also an Irish Catholic. The last 20 years have seen Catholics gain more power, and we have started to get a foothold in society. This is new.....repeat...this is new.

But this does not mean that we are equal in the eyes of protestant Americans. Also, workers have never been equal in the eyes of land-holders, business owners, and money-changers.

I am obviously rambling.....but I will leave you with this:

We the citizens of the USA:

1. Pay taxes. (we drive on roads that are tax payer funded. we expect the police to do their jobs, we send our children to schools, and we want our country to be safe)

2. Do not support discrimination of any sort (economic, spiritual, religious, or gender-based.) This does not mean that as individuals we do not have pre-conceived notions. The point is that as a whole, we can not or will not put ANY group out in the cold.

3. VOTE VOTE VOTE......every citizen needs to show up to the polls. If we need to impose an Australian-like fine for voters who neglet their duty, so be it.

4. Care for our children, elderly, and fellows.

5. Relax once in awhile, trust in God, and trust in the process of politics.

6. Read historical texts BEFORE we jump to conclusions and spout off about shit that does not make sense.

7. Look for our own faults and shortcomings before we blame others.

8. Work, work, work. Shut up and do something.

I understand that this is not funny. But I have had enough. Obama was elected to one term as President of the USA. He may be half black, but he won fair and square. He has not committed any atrocious acts, so give him a chance. If we don't like the results, we have the right to vote for a new guy. Deal with it.

Thanks, and GO PATRIOTS.

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